- 2010-09-08 17:26:56
Silicone rubber is the main chain of the silicon and oxygen atoms, usually consisting of alternating silicon atom with two organic groups of ordinary rubber silicone rubber was composed mainly of methyl vinyl silicon and a small amount of oxygen into the chain composed of phenyl silicone rubber can improve the high temperature performance of three fluorine - and - the introduction of silicone rubber can be improved the temperature resistance and oil resistance properties of silicone rubber with good resistance to low temperature in the temperature of -55 DEG C can still work after the introduction of phenyl silicone rubber is -73 DEG C, the heat resistance is also very prominent under the temperature of 180 DEG C can work for a long time is slightly higher than 200 degrees could take weeks or longer are elastic instantaneous is resistant to high temperature of over 300 degrees silicone rubber breathable oxygen transmission rate in the synthesis of polymer is the highest in addition silicone rubber has physiological inertia will not lead to coagulation characteristics is widely used in medical [1] anchor
Silicon rubber heat vulcanized HTV silicone RTV RTV HTV in room temperature vulcanized and polycondensation reaction type and reaction type high temperature silicon rubber is used for producing all kinds of silicone rubber and RTV silicone rubber is mainly used as adhesive encapsulating material or mould using thermal sulfide type the maximum amount of heat vulcanized and methyl silicone rubber, methyl vinyl silicone rubber MQ VMQ content and product brands most of methyl vinyl silicone rubber PVMQ tolerance to low temperature and radiation resistant silicone rubber and fluorosilicone rubber and other eye
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