- 2010-09-08 17:15:06
Apply silicone oil can significantly reduce radiotherapy radiation damage to the eyes? This is really a be hardly worthy of belief, but American scientists have worked out, this is not USA, University of Colorado School of Medicine researchers in the Department of Ophthalmology USA "Literature" published an article on the report said, the traditional radiation therapy will do harm to the eyes of the blood vessels and nerves, and lead to the danger of intraocular tumor patients most in 3 years after radiotherapy may be blind. Blindness.
Researchers in order to suppress the radiation effects of radiation on the eyes, researchers at the University of Colorado in choroidal melanoma (a kind of intraocular malignant tumor patients with donor eyes) and suffering from the disease for a long time the animal experiments, experiments found that silicone oil on the surface of the eye and they apply to harmful radiation, radiation 55%. In the eye. Up to now, has not yet found the silicone protective method will produce side effects.
According to the scientists predicted that this eye is coated on the surface of silicone protective effect can prevent most patients with choroidal melanoma blindness. At present, medical researchers at the University of Colorado are planning to launch a clinical trial with the silicone oil protection method, clinical trials to verify the protective effect. If the trial is successful, it is another important application of silicone oil products in the medical field!
Silicone oil is not only a kind of chemical raw materials, can also be a daily supplies raw materials, but also to protect the health of the mankind, it seems oil usage has been unable to stop, let the oil to come more fiercely.
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